
Lead UI/UX Designer


Create a site for families to come together with a Care Coach to help them care for their loved one.

  1. Create a user flow diagram in Miro to map out the various steps that user took when using the application.
  2. Ensure that the user flow was logical, easy to follow, and met the needs of our target audience.
  3. Continuously test and refine the user experience, using analytics and user feedback to make improvements and ensured that the design met the needs of our target audience.
  4. Understand the target audience, including investors, and what they were looking for in a care program.
  5. Used data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of the designs and make necessary adjustments.


  1. Conducted thorough research on the client’s care program and its objectives.
  2. Used design thinking to identify the key elements of the client’s care program, such as the benefits and outcomes of the program, and the unique value proposition that it offers.
  3. Created visually appealing and intuitive designs that effectively communicated the key elements of the care program, using graphic design, typography, and other design elements to create an impactful and memorable experience.
  4. Used Figma to create wireframes and prototypes. This allowed me to test the user experience and make any necessary changes before the final design was created.
  5. When creating the final design, I used a combination of interactive elements, such as buttons, drop-down menus, and hover states, to make the user experience engaging and intuitive as possible.

Applied design thinking to my  process which helped me create a customer-centric experience that was grounded in empathy and understanding of the user’s needs and goals.


New York – Harvey Communication Measurement Award, in recognition for advertising, which achieved outstanding readership response.

October Top Honors at MarCom Awards!

October “Gold Award” “The Retirement Re-Inspired” campaign.

February USB Marketing Employee Recognition “innovation winner” for iPhone, iPad, Blackberry Mobile App.

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34525 Camino El Molino
Dana Point, CA
